The chemistry module
The Chemistry module includes a large number of instruments coupled to the CFA (Continuous Flow Analysis) system, allowing high-resolution multitracer analysis on a single ice bar (anions, cations, black carbon, dust, trace metals), as well as an auto-sampler for discrete analysis on an off-line ion chromatography. These elements are used to date ice cores, to study global climate, anthropogenic emissions, atmospheric transport or even volcanism).
The Measurements
The chemistry module’s instruments operate in parallel and continuously from an ice bar melter located in a cold room (-15°C) and then from a distribution of melt water to the instruments. This module thus allows multitracer analysis in continuous flow (CFA = "Continuous Flow Analysis") and at high resolution of a single sample of ice cores (34mm x 34mm section).
Around the CFA system are deployed the instruments allowing the following measurements :
– liquid conductivity (online conductimeters Dionex and Amber Science)
– counting of insoluble particules and size sorting (Abakus)
– concentrations of ions NO3-, NH4+, Ca2+ and H2O2 by colorimetry (internal developpement at IGE)
– counting and size sorting of black carbon (SP2)
– stables isotopes of water (Picarro, under LSCE expertise)
– 2 auto-samplers for samples collect and off-line analysis on a ionic chromatography (major anions and cations + and a few organics with a couple of Integrions in the clean room)
– Continuous elemental analysis of metals and S (ICPMS iCAP TQ coupled with CFA), or complete elemental analysis in discrete (ICPMS iCAP TQ, and sample preparation in a clean room dedicated to metals)
– measurement of CH4 and CO gas concentrations of air bubbles (SARA, developed by the LiPhy laboratory)
Note : the remaining space in the analysis room can be used to accommodate specific instruments developed by other laboratories and integrate them into the CFA system.
The applications
This equipment allows the measurement of a large number of tracers found in ice cores, used for the study of climate, natural and anthropogenic emissions (biomass fires, pollution), atmospheric transport of continental dust, or for the study of past terrestrial volcanism and its climatic impact.

Updated on 13 mai 2020